Sunday, February 15, 2009

UPDATE: to my commitment to make money playing poker online

If I take an overall view on the past week spent with playing poker online I shall admit that I have had a good week. With more ups then downs.

However, Friday (the 13th) has changed the picture dramatically. This was the day when I have lost 29% of my bankroll. Also, I have only made an in-the-money position on 1 occasion out of 10, played. This converts to a mere 10% ITM ratio.

Beside playing probably too loose and sometimes passive, I did a few apparent mistakes as well. Such as talking to a friend over the phone while playing. Some more multi-tasking activities was scattered at least through 2 more games.

All in all, I went a bit emotional about the draw down. Since I now know I will have to rely on online poker, at least partially, as a stream of income.

Finally, I took the positive thinking back on track and figured that I need to introduce (force through) new rules. You will easily figure that it has to do with stop loss (aka bankroll management).

Current bankroll: €56,16
ITM%: 49%

UPDATE: Total money made during the week €24,5 (or €75,5 short of my goal), 2 hours and 40 minutes played on average daily. Only 6 days played, taking Saturday as a day out.

See the details in the original post.

Finally, the indispensable disclaimer.
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