Thursday, February 05, 2009

Step 1.0 - What's in it for you?

Quite important question isn't it?

Sources vary but the following reasons appear most of the time.

Pure joy

Do you remember the first time you have played a card game in your childhood? Whatever it may have been, for sure between your first card related memories you will hold a few entertaining moments. Hot summer or cold and long winter nights played through with friends or relatives, as a kid. Quite often one of the poker games where played anyway. No money, just pure entertainment.

Social networking

Just as you go playing tennis, squash or golf. Poker can be another sport to bring you together with friends. Eventually poker can help you make friends should you be a rather closed personality. It is also a way for you to get a life. Especially, if you are like me playing mostly online.

"Poker reveals to the frank observer something else of import—it will teach him about his own nature. Many bad players do not improve because the cannot bear self-knowledge." David Mamet, director of the move House of Games on Poker
This is the deepest reason why I started to get interested in Texas Hold'em. Most of my 34 years I have spent being a good guy - see passive-tight. Sorry, about the poker lingo, will cover the basics in the next post, including styles of playing. Some leadership courses and coaches even use poker to help managers perform better as leaders. Read more about this in Leadership: Texas Hold 'Em Style by Andrew J. Harvey .

When we play, we must realize, before anything else, that we are out to make money.David Sklansky on Poker (more in his must read book, The Theory of Poker)
A no brainer in today's world. Just as investments, stocks, forex and option trading. Poker is probably also qualifies as a way to express your inner level of greed and fear. Some people can make a living out of playing, promoting, writing about poker.

Why not to play poker

If you play with money you can't afford to loose, you are simply gambling and most probably you do not qualify for any valid reason to sit down at any table. Please go and visit a specialist to help you with your problems. See more about this topic in my online poker strategy disclaimer post.

Other post(s) in the series:
Step 1.1 - Are there any threats in online poker?
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